In this video, we discuss the 2 negative views of confrontation. We also share 2 ways to make confrontation work for you and how you can implement them into your next conflict.
Category: Small Group Videos
CWC | Dealing With Feeling Powerless
In this video, we discuss how the debilitating sense of feeling out of control comes from our view of ourselves. That’s right, feeling powerless comes from believing you are powerless. Who you believe you are will determine what you believe you can do.
CWC | Perception Is Reality
In this video, we discuss how our view of God — our foundational belief about His character — informs our circumstances. Our perception of Him creates a reality from which we experience life.
CWC | Failure As Success
In this video, we define success and what that means for you. We also look at how succeeding can be messy and include mistakes and failures.
CWC | Knowing When To Quit
In this video, we discuss how you know when to quit your pursuit of a goal or at least shift your methods of achieving a goal. We also share two specific ways to evaluate if it is time to make this decision.
CWC | Influence People
In this video, we address three questions that need to be answered before we spend time with someone. It might surprise you to know the extent to which you are influenced by those with whom you spend time.
CWC | Qualities Of A Good Friend
In this video, we discuss what it means to be a good friend. We also share four was you can be both vulnerable and caring to your friends.
CWC | How To Have Close Friends
In this video, we share three steps to adding value and depth to your friendships.
CWC | How To Make Friends
In this video, we share four tips on how to make friends and where to find them.
CWC | Making Forced Relationships Work
In this video, we share 3 tips for thriving in a forced relationship. This might include family members, co- workers, or just about anyone you must spend time with for one reason or another.