Series 4: Friendship

In this series, you will learn how to influence people, make friends, make the right kind of friends, and how to become a better friend.

CWC | Influence PeopleIn this video, we address three questions that need to be answered before we spend time with someone. It might surprise you to know the extent to which you are influenced by those with whom you spend time.

CWC | Qualities Of A Good FriendIn this video, we discuss what it means to be a good friend. We also share four was you can be both vulnerable and caring to your friends.

CWC | How To Make FriendsIn this video, we share four tips on how to make friends and where to find them.

CWC | How To Have Close FriendsIn this video, we share three steps to adding value and depth to your friendships.

CWC | The Assumptions That Are Ruining Your RelationshipsIn this video, we reveal two facts about assumptions that may be destroying your relationships. We describe two easy ways you can go from hurting your relationships to helping your relationships through your assumptions.

CWC | 4 Steps For Building Healthy ExpectationsIn this video, we discuss 4 steps for building healthy expectations for the people in our life. We also reveal the leading cause of being frustrated or disappointed in those relationships.