Hello! We're Nathan & Lacey Steel, your small group relational discipleship coaches.

Whether your small group consists of couples, individuals, or just you, we want to help you develop healthy communication and build meaningful connection with the people in your life.

To accomplish this, we've assembled six 6-part series from our Coaching with Cultivate videos. Each series focuses on a specific aspect of relationships or circumstances — equipping you with tools to develop healthy mindsets and behaviors.


Each video comes with discussion questions that will take you deeper into the concepts presented — giving you clear, practical steps to implement into your relationships or circumstances. We highly recommend going through these series in a small group setting (with 6-8 other people). However, individuals have also seen the benefit of simply sitting down and going through these videos and discussion questions themselves. So whether your small group is located in Homer, Alaska; Westport, Ireland; or somewhere in between, this curriculum can benefit you.


Hosting a small group is made simple with these video series and can be accomplished in as little as one hour a week. All you need is a location, printer, internet acccess (unless you download the video prior to the meeting), possibly some snacks, and definitely some coffee (because it's the catalyst for any successful small group). The following is a suggested schedule and is meant only to be a foundation to build from.

  1. Welcome & Prayer (1-3 min)
  2. Review & Discuss Previous Week's Activation (10 min)
  3. Watch Video (10-15 min)
  4. Discuss Questions (30 min)
  5. Review Activation/Next Steps (5 min)
  6. Prayer & Dismiss (1-3 min)


Are none of our pre-made series working for you? Maybe you've already finished them all. No worries, you can build and organize your own small group curriculum — picking the studies and length of time (how many weeks) that best fit your group. Below are listed all the Coaching with Cultivate videos — including some that we haven't included in our pre-built studies (indicated by *).

CWC | The Steel’s StoryNathan and Lacey share their story of how they restored their marriage. Nathan struggled with a deep-rooted bitterness toward his dad, an inability to share his feelings, and a 20-year addiction to pornography. Lacey struggled with a fear that fed her explosive anger producing a need to control her husband ...

CWC | Nathan’s StoryIn this episode, Nathan shares his story of how he overcame his addiction to pornography, isolation, and negative self-talk. Nathan struggled with a deep-rooted bitterness toward his dad, an inability to share his feelings, and a 20-year addiction to pornography.

CWC | Lacey’s StoryIn this episode, Lacey shares her story of how she overcame her addiction to fear, anger, and control. Lacey struggled with a fear that fed her explosive anger producing a need to control people and circumstances.

CWC | Perception Is RealityIn this video, we discuss how our view of God — our foundational belief about His character — informs our circumstances. Our perception of Him creates a reality from which we experience life.

CWC | What Does God Think About YouIn this video, we discuss why it is important to receive and experience God’s love. We will also walk you through a prayer that will encourage you to hear God’s voice — listening for what He thinks about you — His specific word of love over you.

*CWC | How To Feel Loved By GodIn this episode, Nathan and Lacey reveal two ways we prevent ourselves from feeling loved by God.

CWC | Dealing With Opinionated PeopleIn this episode, Nathan and Lacey will be discussing how to love and be in unity with people with whom you disagree with their opinions and viewpoints. They will also redefine what love means.

CWC | Dealing With Feeling PowerlessIn this video, we discuss how the debilitating sense of feeling out of control comes from our view of ourselves. That’s right, feeling powerless comes from believing you are powerless. Who you believe you are will determine what you believe you can do.

*CWC | How To Immediately Change A Bad RelationshipIn this video, Nathan and Lacey discuss how to immediately change a bad relationship TODAY in three simple (but probably not easy) steps.

CWC | How To Apologize (Say, “I’m Sorry”)In this video, we discuss the 5 characteristics of a thoughtful apology.

CWC | The Assumptions That Are Ruining Your RelationshipsIn this video, we reveal two facts about assumptions that may be destroying your relationships. We describe two easy ways you can go from hurting your relationships to helping your relationships through your assumptions.

CWC | 4 Steps For Building Healthy ExpectationsIn this video, we discuss 4 steps for building healthy expectations for the people in our life. We also reveal the leading cause of being frustrated or disappointed in those relationships.

CWC | What To Do When Your Negative Assumptions Aren’t WrongIn this video, we discuss the 3 ways you can believe the best about someone even when your negative assumptions about them aren’t wrong. We also reveal a perspective change that will help you appreciate them more even if they still fail to meet your expectations.

CWC | Focus On StrengthsIn this video, we share 3 ways for you to focus on, enhance, and thrive in your strengths AND someone else’s.

CWC | How To Make Conflict A Good ThingIn this video, we discuss the 2 negative views of confrontation. We also share 2 ways to make confrontation work for you and how you can implement them into your next conflict.

CWC | 4 Steps To Healthy ConfrontationIn this video, we reveal 4 steps to making your confrontation healthy (or healthier). They also discuss how to immediately apply the 4 techniques if you’re an avoider or a seeker of confrontation.

CWC | Tips For Fighting WellIn this video, we share three tips for how to fight well with others. Whether it’s with a spouse, family member, or friend, these three basic ground rules for any healthy argument.

CWC | Get Them To Stop TalkingIn this video, we share six tips to help you get someone to stop talking (or, if you’re the talker help you to stop talking).

CWC | How To Get Someone To TalkIn this video, we share six tips to help you get someone to talk (or, if you’re the non-talker, help you begin to talk).

CWC | Influence PeopleIn this video, we address three questions that need to be answered before we spend time with someone. It might surprise you to know the extent to which you are influenced by those with whom you spend time.