Hello! We're Nathan & Lacey Steel, your small group relational discipleship coaches.

Whether your small group consists of couples, individuals, or just you, we want to help you develop healthy communication and build meaningful connection with the people in your life.

To accomplish this, we've assembled six 6-part series from our Coaching with Cultivate videos. Each series focuses on a specific aspect of relationships or circumstances — equipping you with tools to develop healthy mindsets and behaviors.


Each video comes with discussion questions that will take you deeper into the concepts presented — giving you clear, practical steps to implement into your relationships or circumstances. We highly recommend going through these series in a small group setting (with 6-8 other people). However, individuals have also seen the benefit of simply sitting down and going through these videos and discussion questions themselves. So whether your small group is located in Homer, Alaska; Westport, Ireland; or somewhere in between, this curriculum can benefit you.


Hosting a small group is made simple with these video series and can be accomplished in as little as one hour a week. All you need is a location, printer, internet acccess (unless you download the video prior to the meeting), possibly some snacks, and definitely some coffee (because it's the catalyst for any successful small group). The following is a suggested schedule and is meant only to be a foundation to build from.

  1. Welcome & Prayer (1-3 min)
  2. Review & Discuss Previous Week's Activation (10 min)
  3. Watch Video (10-15 min)
  4. Discuss Questions (30 min)
  5. Review Activation/Next Steps (5 min)
  6. Prayer & Dismiss (1-3 min)


Are none of our pre-made series working for you? Maybe you've already finished them all. No worries, you can build and organize your own small group curriculum — picking the studies and length of time (how many weeks) that best fit your group. Below are listed all the Coaching with Cultivate videos — including some that we haven't included in our pre-built studies (indicated by *).

CWC | How To Make FriendsIn this video, we share four tips on how to make friends and where to find them.

CWC | Qualities Of A Good FriendIn this video, we discuss what it means to be a good friend. We also share four was you can be both vulnerable and caring to your friends.

CWC | How To Have Close FriendsIn this video, we share three steps to adding value and depth to your friendships.

CWC | Making Forced Relationships WorkIn this video, we share 3 tips for thriving in a forced relationship. This might include family members, co- workers, or just about anyone you must spend time with for one reason or another.

CWC | How To Deal With Loss & GriefIn this video, Nathan and Lacey discuss how to process the loss of a loved one, a dream, a job, or maybe you just feel disappointed at how life is turning out. They will give you practical steps to living free of the pain that can often hold us back.

CWC | Resolving DisappointmentIn this video, we discuss disappointment. Unless resolved in a healthy way, our unmet or unfulfilled expectations can result in frustration and depression.

CWC | Dealing With Perceived FailureIn this video, we share two areas of perceived failure: relational and circumstantial. We also discuss what you can do to change these feelings of being a failure.

CWC | Failure As DirectionIn this video, we discuss how failure may be direction in your life. God may use failure (or perceived failure) as His way of directing us.

CWC | Failure As SuccessIn this video, we define success and what that means for you. We also look at how succeeding can be messy and include mistakes and failures.

CWC | Knowing When To QuitIn this video, we discuss how you know when to quit your pursuit of a goal or at least shift your methods of achieving a goal. We also share two specific ways to evaluate if it is time to make this decision.

CWC | Messing Up God’s Plan For YouIn this video, we discuss whether we can mess up God’s plan for our life. The short answer is yes and no. God is infinite and bigger than any mistake we can make. But also, He’s not.

CWC | How To Cope With (Or Prevent) AnxietyIn this episode, Nathan and Lacey give two helpful steps for dealing with anxiety.

*CWC | Why We Fail At Building Habits Or Achieving Goals (And What To Do About It)In this video, Nathan and Lacey reveal the three biggest reasons your New Year’s resolution (building a new habit or achieving a specific goal) will probably fail. They also explain how to make the necessary changes to make sure you succeed in building a healthy, simple, and achievable habit.