STB084 | Forgiveness EP2 | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB084 | Forgiveness EP2 | Cultivate Relationships

Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze about forgiveness and how it differs from reconciliation and restoration. They also discuss propitiation and how restitution works when repenting. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS WEBSITE

STB083 | Forgiveness EP1 | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB083 | Forgiveness EP1 | Cultivate Relationships

Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze about all things forgiveness. They also discuss what it is, what it isn’t, and some objections to it. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS WEBSITE

STB082 | BSE | Faith | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB082 | BSE | Faith | Cultivate Relationships

BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about the Holy Spirit, faith, and spiritual gifts. They also discuss baptism or being filled with the Holy Spirit, cessationism, tongues, and how God answers prayer. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS WEBSITE

STB081 | Influencers | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB081 | Influencers | Cultivate Relationships

Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze about “influencers”, social media, and how habitually scrolling create an overwhelming compulsion to consume. They also discuss the discontentment that is brought about by comparison as a result of curated “perfection” on social media platforms. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS WEBSITE

STB080 | BSE | Galatians EP6 | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB080 | BSE | Galatians EP6 | Cultivate Relationships

BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about Galatians 6.1-18. They discuss spiritual maturity, Christian generosity, and how the measure of our generosity directly impacts the generosity God demonstrates toward us. They also share how numbers-based evangelism is a fleshly, self-focused, approval-seeking false Gospel. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS WEBSITE… Continue reading STB080 | BSE | Galatians EP6 | Cultivate Relationships

STB079 | BSE | Galatians EP5 | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB079 | BSE | Galatians EP5 | Cultivate Relationships

BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about Galatians 5.1-26. They discuss how faith in Jesus brings freedom from the Law and sin; while the Law only brings meaningless mutilation. They also contrast the fruit of living in the flesh with the Holy Spirit and living in the flesh with… Continue reading STB079 | BSE | Galatians EP5 | Cultivate Relationships

STB078 | BSE | Galatians EP4 | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB078 | BSE | Galatians EP4 | Cultivate Relationships

BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about Galatians 4.1-31. They discuss how the Law is immature and will (in 70 AD) melt away because the mature (Jesus) has come. They also discuss Paul’s analogies of the Law (Hagar) and the Promise (Sarah). VIDEO & SHOW LINKS WEBSITE

STB077 | BSE | Galatians EP3 | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB077 | BSE | Galatians EP3 | Cultivate Relationships

BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about Galatians 3.1-29. They discuss how the Law was not God’s original design; but rather, it was a babysitter for the immature Israelites who didn’t want a personal relationship with God. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS WEBSITE

STB076 | BSE | Galatians EP2 | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB076 | BSE | Galatians EP2 | Cultivate Relationships

BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about Galatians 2.1-21. They discuss a timeline of Paul’s life up until visiting Jerusalem a second time to deliver financial support. They also talk about how Paul had to confront Peter, Barnabas, and other Jewish Christians over their fear of being rejected by… Continue reading STB076 | BSE | Galatians EP2 | Cultivate Relationships

STB075 | BSE | Galatians EP1 | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB075 | BSE | Galatians EP1 | Cultivate Relationships

BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about Galatians 1.1-24. They discuss how Paul is not bashful about sharing his story of Jesus’ redemption in his life. They also talk about the background, setting, and date of Galatians. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS WEBSITE