Our podcast, Shoot the Breeze, celebrates the messiness of life, relationships, and Christianity. Mostly, it is us shooting the breeze (sometimes with guests) while occasionally saying something important.
BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Phil Reeves about Revelation chapters 4-7. They also discuss the implications of Jesus fulfilling the entire Hebrew Scriptures and its implications on Revelations. Furthermore, John uses “hear” and “see” language to show when he is revealing the meaning behind what he is writing. John defines most… Continue reading STB094 | BSE | Revelation 4-7 | Cultivate Relationships
BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Phil Reeves about Revelation chapters 1-3. They also discuss false, fear-based views of Revelation, hermeneutics (principles in Bible Study), and how to read prophetic and apocalyptic Scriptures. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS https://rumble.com/v5g99eb WEBSITE https://cultivaterelationships.com/
BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about the messiness of rejection. They discuss how feelings of being rejected can lead to either rebellions or religious mindsets and behaviors. Additionally, they share how it is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that one can truly live free from… Continue reading STB092 | BSE | Messy EP2 | Cultivate Relationships
BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about messy Christianity. They discuss their journeys of how Jesus pursued them amidst messy doubt and how, as believers, we pursue others amidst their messy doubt; along with how to resolve doubt. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS https://rumble.com/v5f9ye5 WEBSITE https://cultivaterelationships.com/
BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about how our ability to approach God, our Heavenly Dad, directly affects our outlook and behavior within a circumstance or relationship. They discuss their journeys toward seeing God as a good Dad who does good things. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS https://rumble.com/v5eedu5 WEBSITE https://cultivaterelationships.com/
BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about how Christianity is the ongoing process of leading and being led. They discuss how Jesus was our ultimate example and that serving others doesn’t mean we are slaves to them. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS https://rumble.com/v5dknbh WEBSITE https://cultivaterelationships.com/
BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about humility and agreeing with God. They discuss how agreeing with God empowers Christians to defeat the enemy, spread Jesus’ Kingdom, and live sin-free. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS https://rumble.com/v5bu4vx WEBSITE https://cultivaterelationships.com/
BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about the Kingdom of Heaven and its present reality in a Christian’s life. They also reveal how the Hebrew Scriptures point to Jesus as the prophetic fulfillment of the Davidic Messianic King. *FACT CHECK* 40:25 – Psalm 38.6 not Psalm 89 – The… Continue reading STB087 | BSE | Kingdom | Cultivate Relationships
Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze by finishing their series on forgiveness. They discuss why forgiving yourself doesn’t actually help (but what you can do instead that will set you free) along with how to resolve shame and condemnation. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS https://rumble.com/v59hqii WEBSITE https://cultivaterelationships.com/
Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze about forgiveness… again and the various excuses often used when someone does not want to forgive. They also discuss common lies that are believed about forgiveness. VIDEO & SHOW LINKS https://rumble.com/v58vwtp WEBSITE https://cultivaterelationships.com/