Our podcast, Shoot the Breeze, celebrates the messiness of life, relationships, and Christianity. Mostly, it is us shooting the breeze (sometimes with guests) while occasionally saying something important.
In this episode, Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze about homeschooling and how it took a global pandemic to get them to do it again. They also discuss colloquialisms, playing the lottery, hiding money in couches, and why even good habits can be bad for you. To watch the video version or access all of… Continue reading STB004 | Homeschool | Cultivate Relationships
In this episode, Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze about their love of fish, the stomach flu, and an embarrassing encounter Nathan had with Pastor Mark Driscoll. Nathan also blows the whistle on Lacey — revealing a very dangerous driving issue she has. To watch the video version or access all of our episodes and… Continue reading STB003 | Regrets | Cultivate Relationships
In this episode, Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze about their individual views of hotel key cards in a segment called, “Agree to Disagree”. They also discuss why censorship is dangerous and how censorship within relationships can lead to immaturity. To watch the video version or access all of our episodes and resources, visit our… Continue reading STB002 | Censorship | Cultivate Relationships
In this episode, Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze about firsts (e.g., first appearances, first dates, and first kisses.). They also reveal their favorite and worst gifts, and present a surprise segment called, “Why Do I Care?” where they discuss why certain theological topics are important. The first important topic: Eschatology (aka, The Study of… Continue reading STB001 | Firsts | Cultivate Relationships
Shoot the Breeze celebrates the messiness of life, relationships, and Christianity. Videos, show notes, and more at: https://cultivaterelationships.com/podcast