STB014 | Siblings + The Steel Brothers | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB014 | Siblings + The Steel Brothers | Cultivate Relationships

In this episode, Nathan shoots the breeze with his older brothers, Jeremy and Josh Steel. This is the only episode has had to be edit due to how breezy it was. In the middle of all the jokes, sarcasm, and laughing, they discuss what it has taken for them to have a healthy relationship. Also,… Continue reading STB014 | Siblings + The Steel Brothers | Cultivate Relationships

STB013 | Blessing | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB013 | Blessing | Cultivate Relationships

In this episode, Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze about the blessings they’ve experienced as a couple and family over the past 16 years. One of the biggest keys to maintaining emotional, mental, and relational freedom is thankfulness. They received some disappointing news just prior to recording this episode so they decided to remember God’s… Continue reading STB013 | Blessing | Cultivate Relationships

STB012 | Family + Pastor Scott Frerking | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB012 | Family + Pastor Scott Frerking | Cultivate Relationships

In this episode, Nathan shoots the breeze with Scott Frerking, the lead pastor of Hill Country Fellowship Church located in Burnet, Texas. He and his wife, Sarah, are parents to five children. Scott and his wife were Nathan and Lacey’s marriage counselors almost 15 years ago. They talk about their wives (and the wives’ disapproval… Continue reading STB012 | Family + Pastor Scott Frerking | Cultivate Relationships

STB011 | Pets | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB011 | Pets | Cultivate Relationships

In this episode, Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze about their pets. They grieve the passing of one of their favorite pups they’ve owned. This transitions to stories of all the pets they’ve had through their marriage. *TRIGGER WARNING* Some of them do not end well. They also share some bazaar pets other people have… Continue reading STB011 | Pets | Cultivate Relationships

STB010 | Braces | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB010 | Braces | Cultivate Relationships

In this episode, Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze Lacey’s new speech impediment. They also share an encouraging thought that may change how you view yourself. To celebrate the 10th episode of Shoot the Breeze, they share ten things they appreciate. To watch the video version or access all of our episodes and resources, visit… Continue reading STB010 | Braces | Cultivate Relationships

STB009 | Traditions | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB009 | Traditions | Cultivate Relationships

In this episode, Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze about being back in their studio and discuss the horror stories from past Valentine’s Days. They also discuss several traditions that their family has and why they’re important to them. They also share some tips that can help your family create meaningful traditions. To watch the… Continue reading STB009 | Traditions | Cultivate Relationships

STB008 | Sheltered | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB008 | Sheltered | Cultivate Relationships

In this episode, Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze about taking their work home with them because global warming officially hit Texas and they are FREEZING! As they shelter, they agree to disagree about showing up late to places, the Twilight series, and what translation of the Bible is best. To watch the video version… Continue reading STB008 | Sheltered | Cultivate Relationships

STB007 | Questions | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB007 | Questions | Cultivate Relationships

In this episode, Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze and respond to your questions and your responses. Some of the topics covered in the episode are how to find peace amidst chaos, living whole amidst a divorce, how to find contentment through singleness, and how do you start dating post-divorce. To watch the video version… Continue reading STB007 | Questions | Cultivate Relationships

STB006 | Reading | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB006 | Reading | Cultivate Relationships

In this episode, Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze by reminiscing about what was “cool” when they were growing up. Also, they reveal their secret shame and a few books they recommend… and some they don’t. They are also joined by a special guest, their dog, Lulu. To watch the video version or access all… Continue reading STB006 | Reading | Cultivate Relationships

STB005 | Ireland | Cultivate Relationships

SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
SHOOT THE BREEZE | Cultivate Relationships
STB005 | Ireland | Cultivate Relationships

In this episode, Nathan and Lacey shoot the breeze about their time in Ireland along with their ministry failures and fact checks. Lacey also reveals how the lack of conviction in one’s life leads to unnecessary pain. To watch the video version or access all of our episodes and resources, visit our website at: