BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about the Kingdom of Heaven and its present reality in a Christian’s life. They also reveal how the Hebrew Scriptures point to Jesus as the prophetic fulfillment of the Davidic Messianic King. *FACT CHECK* 40:25 – Psalm 38.6 not Psalm 89 – The Hebrew word translated “bent over” in Psalm 38.6 is the same word in 2 Samuel 38.18 translated “iniquity”. However, the word in Psalm 38.18 translated as “iniquity” is a completely different Hebrew word than 2 Samuel 38.18 and means guilty of sin. Psalm 89 deals with the Messianic Davidic Kingdom and has no bearing on the word “iniquity” from 2 Samuel 7.14. However, is a worthwhile read regarding this study on Jesus and his Kingdom.