In this video, we share 3 ways for you to focus on, enhance, and thrive in your strengths AND someone else’s.
Category: Pre-Marital Series
CWC | 4 Steps For Building Healthy Expectations
In this video, we discuss 4 steps for building healthy expectations for the people in our life. We also reveal the leading cause of being frustrated or disappointed in those relationships.
CWC | Dealing With Opinionated People
In this episode, Nathan and Lacey will be discussing how to love and be in unity with people with whom you disagree with their opinions and viewpoints. They will also redefine what love means.
CWC | The Steel’s Story
Nathan and Lacey share their story of how they restored their marriage. Nathan struggled with a deep-rooted bitterness toward his dad, an inability to share his feelings, and a 20-year addiction to pornography. Lacey struggled with a fear that fed her explosive anger producing a need to control her husband and circumstances.
CWC | Nathan’s Story
In this episode, Nathan shares his story of how he overcame his addiction to pornography, isolation, and negative self-talk. Nathan struggled with a deep-rooted bitterness toward his dad, an inability to share his feelings, and a 20-year addiction to pornography.
CWC | Lacey’s Story
In this episode, Lacey shares her story of how she overcame her addiction to fear, anger, and control. Lacey struggled with a fear that fed her explosive anger producing a need to control people and circumstances.
CWC | 4 Steps To Healthy Confrontation
In this video, we reveal 4 steps to making your confrontation healthy (or healthier). They also discuss how to immediately apply the 4 techniques if you’re an avoider or a seeker of confrontation.