In this video, we share 3 tips for thriving in a forced relationship. This might include family members, co- workers, or just about anyone you must spend time with for one reason or another.
Category: Pre-Marital Series
CWC | How To Make Conflict A Good Thing
In this video, we discuss the 2 negative views of confrontation. We also share 2 ways to make confrontation work for you and how you can implement them into your next conflict.
CWC | How To Apologize (Say, “I’m Sorry”)
In this video, we discuss the 5 characteristics of a thoughtful apology.
CWC | What Does God Think About You
In this video, we discuss why it is important to receive and experience God’s love. We will also walk you through a prayer that will encourage you to hear God’s voice — listening for what He thinks about you — His specific word of love over you.
CWC | Tips For Fighting Well
In this video, we share three tips for how to fight well with others. Whether it’s with a spouse, family member, or friend, these three basic ground rules for any healthy argument.
CWC | How To Get Someone To Talk
In this video, we share six tips to help you get someone to talk (or, if you’re the non-talker, help you begin to talk).
CWC | Get Them To Stop Talking
In this video, we share six tips to help you get someone to stop talking (or, if you’re the talker help you to stop talking).
CWC | Resolving Disappointment
In this video, we discuss disappointment. Unless resolved in a healthy way, our unmet or unfulfilled expectations can result in frustration and depression.
CWC | The Assumptions That Are Ruining Your Relationships
In this video, we reveal two facts about assumptions that may be destroying your relationships. We describe two easy ways you can go from hurting your relationships to helping your relationships through your assumptions.
CWC | What To Do When Your Negative Assumptions Aren’t Wrong
In this video, we discuss the 3 ways you can believe the best about someone even when your negative assumptions about them aren’t wrong. We also reveal a perspective change that will help you appreciate them more even if they still fail to meet your expectations.