The New Testament is a library of writings that reveal Jesus as the Messiah and his followers, the Church, as his Kingdom — fulfilling the Hebrew Scriptures.

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The New Testament has a stronger dependence upon the Hebrew Scriptures than one might realize. The authors of the New Testament were deeply immersed in Hebrew imagery, prophecies, and writing techniques. While the Hebrew Scriptures convey an unfinished narrative about God and Israel, highlighting their persistent shortcomings in living up to God's design, they also provide a sense of hope for a forthcoming Messiah. The New Testament then unfolds the story of this long awaited Messiah, Jesus.

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The New Testament writings are arranged in chronological order based on their probable dates of composition.* This arrangement is designed to offer a better understanding of the historical context surrounding these texts. Given the uncertainties and unreliability of historical details, coupled with the shift from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar in 1582 AD, the dates in this list are approximations.

For each New Testament writing, a concise explanation of the author's motivations and the circumstances prompting the writing is provided along with estimates for when the events described in the New Testament, particularly those in Acts, likely occurred.

Writing | Acts Event | Historical Event
/ = or | ~ = sometime between

CRBV = Cultivate Relationships Bible Version available
G = Gnosticism resource available
BSE = Podcast series available

c.49 BC - March, 15 44 BC: Julius (Gaius) Caesar first Emperor of Rome  Learn More 

44-27 BC: Rome acted as a Republic amidst civil war.

c.37/36 BC - 1/4 AD: The Roman appointed King Herod I (Herod the Great) rules in Judea.

27 BC, January 16 - August 19, 14 AD: Augustus (Octavius/Octavian) Emperor of Rome.

c.6 BC, September: Jesus born.

14 AD, September 17 - 37 AD, March 16: Tiberius Emperor of Rome.

c.26/27 AD: Jesus starts his public ministry.

c.30 AD, April, Sunday 2 - Sunday 9: Passion Week  Learn More 

c.30 AD, Late April/May:  Acts 1.1-26 
Jesus' Ascension & Replacing Judas

c.30 AD, May 28:  Acts 2.1-47 
Pentacost & Disciples Preach

c.30 AD:  Acts 3.1-4.31 
Peter & John Heal Lame Begger

c.30 AD:  Acts 4.32-5.42 
Ananias & Sapphira

c.32/33 AD:  Acts 6.1-8.3 
Deacons Chosen, Stephen, & Saul Persecutes the Church

c.32/33 AD:  Acts 8.4-40 
Philip's evangelistic journey.

c.33 AD:  Acts 9.1-25 
Saul's conversion and avoiding a plot to kill him.

c.33 AD: Saul flees persecution in Damascus to Arabia then returns to Damascus (see Acts 22.6-11; 26.6-11; Galatians 1.15-17).

c.36 AD:  Acts 9.26-31 
Saul's first visit, after his conversion, to Jerusalem.

c.33~36 AD:  MATTHEW 

c.35/36 AD:  Acts 9.32-11.18 
Peter, Cornelius, and the Gospel to the Gentiles.

37 AD, March 18 - January 24, 41 AD: Gaius (Caligula) Emperor of Rome.

37 AD: Emperor Caligula helps rebuild Antioch after a devistating earthquake had destroyed it back in 37 BC.

c.41 AD, January 24 - October 13, 54 AD: Claudius Emperor of Rome.

c.41-44 AD: Herod Agrippa I (Acts 12) rules Judea.

c.44-45 AD:  Acts 11.19-28 (12.1-23) 
Peter imprisoned (and freed), the Antioch (Syria) church planted, and a famine prophesied.

c.44-48 AD: The Great Famine (prophecied in Acts 11) takes place in Judea.

c.44 AD:  MARK 

c.47 AD:  Acts 11.29-30 (12.24-25) 
Saul & Barnabas deliver financial support to Jerusalem from Antioch (Syria).

c.47 AD: Peter visits Antioch (Syria) where he is confronted, along with Barnabas and other Jewish Christians, for their hypocritical conduct toward the Gentile Christians (see Galatians 2.11-21).

c.47-48/49 AD:  Acts 13.1-14.28 
Saul's first missionary journey - Antioch (Syria) → Cyprus → Lycia → Galatia → Lycia → Antioch, Syria

c.47~49 AD:  JAMES 

c.48/49 AD:  Acts 15.1-5 
Judiazers invade Antioch, Syria preaching Gentiles need to be circumcised.


c.49/50-51 AD:  Acts 15.6-35 
Jerusalem Counsel discusses and concludes the issue of Gentile requirements.

c.50 AD: Peter goes to Rome.


c.50~68 AD:  HEBREWS 

c.51-52 AD:  Acts 15.36-18.22 
Paul's second missionary journey - Antioch (Syria) → Cyprus → Lycia → Galatia → Lycia → Antioch (Syria).


c.52-57 AD:  Acts 18.23-23.30 
Paul's third missionary journey - Antioch (Syria) → Galatia → Asia (Ephesus) → Macedonia → Achaia → Asia → Rhodes → Lycia → Syria → Palestine (Jerusalem).

54 AD, October 13 - June 9, 68 AD: Nero Emperor of Rome.

c.55~56 AD:  1 CORINTHIANS 


c.56/57 AD:  ROMANS  BSE

c.57-59 AD:  Acts 23.31-26.32 
Paul in prison for two years in Caesarea under the custody of Felix later appealing to Nero Caesar.

c.57~59 AD:  "EPHESIANS" 



c.59-61 AD:  Acts 27.1-28.31 
Paul is transfered by sea to Rome where he is under house arrest for two years awaiting to stand before Nero Caesar.

c.59~60 AD:  LUKE 

c.60~62 AD:  ACTS 

c.60~68 AD:  1 PETER  G

61/62 AD: Jacob (Latin, "James"), Jesus' brother, executed by the Sadducean High Priest, Ananus (Josephus, Antiquities 20:200-201; Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History 2.1, 23).

c.61~62 AD:  JUDE  CRBV | G | BSE

c.63~64 AD:  1 TIMOTHY  G

64~67 AD: Paul arrested again in Rome under Nero Caesar.

c.64~65 AD:  TITUS 

64 AD, July 18: Fire in Rome destroys 10 of the 14 districts. Under the advisement of his Jewish counsel, Nero begins to persecute Christians — killing those in Rome and exiling those outside of Rome.

c.64~66 AD:  1-3 JOHN  CRBV | G | BSE

c.64~68 AD:  2 PETER  G

66 AD: Jewish uprising against Rome officially begins.

c.64~67 AD:  2 TIMOTHY 

c.65~69 AD:  JOHN  G

c.64-68 AD: Neronian Persecution of Christians: John exiled to Patmos.

67 AD, January: Neronian Persecution of Christians: Paul beheaded by Helius, one of the prefects left in charge while Nero was visiting Greece.

68 AD, February: Neronian Persecution of Christians: Peter crucified upside down.

c.67~68 AD:  REVELATION  G | BSE

68 AD, June 8 - January 15, 69 AD: Galba Emperor of Rome.

68 AD, June 9: Nero commits suicide.

69 AD, January 15 - April 16, 69 AD: Otho Emperor of Rome.

69 AD, April 19 - December 20, 69 AD: Vitellius Emperor of Rome.

69 AD, July 1 - June 23, 79 AD: Vespasian Emperor of Rome.

70 AD, April 14-September 8: Jerusalem and Temple sieged and destroyed.

  • Timeline information adapted from: "Rethinking the Dates of the New Testament" by Jonathan Bernier; "Redating the New Testament" by John A. T. Robinson; The Zondervan NASB Study Bible;;;;
  • Maps and illustrations from:
  • Book Intro Videos from: